Sunday, 03 June 2012 13:04

How To Fly The P-47 - High Altitude Flight and Aerobatics (1943)

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Demonstrates the Thunderbolt in dives, loops, slow rolls, Immelman turns, spins, and recoveries, and half rolls. Stresses precautions and proper speeds for various altitudes. Also explains functions of turbo supercharger and water injection systems in high altitude flight.

Runtime:  21:11

Courtesy FedFlix,
National Archives and Records Administration
How to Fly the P-47: High Altitude Flight and Aerobatics
War Department. Army Air Forces. (06/20/1941 - 09/26/1947)
ARC Identifier 2772 / Local Identifier 18-AF-107C.
Made possible by a donation from Alexsandr Milewski.

Read 85384 times Last modified on Sunday, 14 March 2021 12:13
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